A Kitten Named Birthday
Six-year-old Sarah loves to play with her birthday present, a kitten she named Birthday. Because Sarah is deaf, she cannot hear when Birthday meows. In this story, she learns many things about her kitten and seeks to find the answer to her question, “Does God know sign language?”
A Little House Birthday
The winter is so long, and the girls are getting bored. Then one day Pa told Laura it was her birthday. What a fun day, with gifts from Pa and Ma and Mary! Adapted from Little House in the Big Woods. A book for young children with more illustrations than text. 32 pages; paperback; HarperCollins.
Benny the Beaver
Forest Friends Series #2. Life for a beaver is filled with a combination of adventure and carefulness. Always he must watch for danger! Benny the Beaver and other beavers find themselves abruptly relocated. Mountain lions threaten! They must build dams and homes quickly to protect themselves. This book has a full color, full page illustration opposite every page of text. 60 pages; hardcover; Northstar Books.
Chipmunk Willie
Forest Friends Series #3. Chipmunk Willie’s life is full of adventure from the moment he awakes from hibernation. He scampers to the top of stumps and down little hills, searching for food and curious about what is around the next obstacle. But he must be careful – danger could be lurking behind the next bush! Children will enjoy this book with its many full color illustrations. 56 pages; hardcover; Northstar Books.